Sunday, August 14, 2005
The teachers Of MBSSKL

I would like to comment about the teachers who taught me and some others teachers who were famous in school.
Firstly,My class teacher, Puan Quek wee kee or Tracy loh:
She is understanding, just gave birth to a boy recently and used to give a lot of ekonomi homework.Now, my ekonomi teacher has been changed to Puan wong Siew Luan due to combined class.
Puan Wong Siew Luan:
She tries to explain the facts until we understand, but some of us don't appreciate that.We slept in class, sometimes make noise and don't do our homework.However, there is still hardworking people in her class like Pit Wai, a retired prefect.
Puan Munniamah:
She is our IT teacher.A very fashionable one.Recently, she straightened her hair.She changes her outfit everyday ranging from Baju Kebaya to skirt and blouse to punjabi suits.Among the teachers who taught us(U6ARTS3) she is certainly the one who has the most knowledge about computers and Internet.
Mr Chin Nam Keong:
In my opinion, he is cute although he never taught me because he only teach KH and accounts.
Most of my friends failed accounts, not because of his bad teaching, mind you.They failed because the subject is far too hard.The passing rate is very low in every exam.Besides, there is lack of Accounting books in the market.nobody wants to cater for this subject because of the small number of students sitting for this subject...
Puan Goh kwee Heong
She is a very good story teller.She is pretty and sweet.She also likes to wear pastel outfits to school.You will see her wearing pink blouses with beads, brown skirt, light yellow blouse and black beaded skirt.She had a major operation in Melaka as a result of her terrible stomaches bothering her.She told us that she will die if she ever delays her operation to a month.Half of her liver was gone but it would grow back in 6 monhts time.
Puan Illina
She is the only malay teacher teaching me.She always uses black eyeliner.Besides, she is fashionable and I just love her clothes!She has a great sense of fashion.She is also a good teacher.
Before her, we had Puan Koh, who left the school for many months.I wonder if she would be back soon?????
Puan Lim Hean Hwa
Puan Lim is a very hardworking and dedicated teacher.She will explain until you understand fully.for example , when we ask her about certain terms, she could tell a whole story about it.But, the story relates to our BM a lot.Even when she is absent, she will ask the monitor to see her and gave us work through him.She is the only teacher who does that everytime. One more thing, I think she looks nice in Baju Kurung.
Mrs Tay Chong kiat
She is our MUET teacher.She loves fashion magazine like SEVENTEEN, CLEO,EH,Marie Claire etcetra.She bought the latest Harry potter book but had'tn read it yet.Her elder daughter is my former schoolmate in SBU and her younger daughter danced ballet.she is the wife of a doctor.
Puan Chong Moy Yoong
Puan chong teaches me Pengajian Am. Sometimes, she will buy us chocolates to encourage us to do our assignments.Once, I got sweets for answering a question.Actually, it was Siang Ling who whispered the answer to me but I got the credits for it.Puan Chong is very chinese like.She wore cheongsam(during chinese new year) and gives chinese classes for the boys a few times a week.I salute her for that.She is also a kind-hearted person.