Saturday, August 20, 2005

This is a poem written by Galvin Moh from Lower 6 Science 1, MBSSKL by my request because he wants my signature for form 6 orientation:
Friendship is congeniality,
A fitting together like a piece of jigsaw puzzle,
A mix and matching
Of moods and taste,
Of interests and abilities,
Of needs and plenty.
Friendship is a bridge,
Across we passs those things,
We promise we share,
Our hopes,
Our dreams,
Our triumph
And our headaches.
Friendship is like treasures,
Friendship is the sun shining and brightens my path, How I wish, That it will last for eternity!!!
Karen's comment:In fact, I like this poem.I think Galvin wrote it spontaneously.This might be due to his good command of English and him being creative.I agree with the author that friends are very important because they influence us and shape our lifes.Indeed,having a true friend is one of the greatest blessing we get.