Friday, January 13, 2012
Me and my husband have been married for more than 2 years.Today, I saw my baby's heart beat for the first time, 6 weeks 3 days.We have another appointment next week.Hopefully I can deliver the baby in september this year if everything goes well.I am waiting for you baby, can't wait to carry you.Grandma will be so so so happy to see you coming to this world.You will be loved.I love you too.Be a happy, bouncy, cute and good baby ya.Don't make me vomit k:)haha
Monday, May 23, 2011
Having a baby
Me and my dear husband are planning for a baby.We have been married for 1 and a half years and still trying.Hopefully we will hit the jackpot soon.I am going to cruise with my dear husband for 3 days.Hope that we will enjoy our holiday:)
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Going to be 25 soon!
My birthday is around the corner.Happy!Can get presents, got ppl belanja me makan, get angpau... Hopefully my 2 violin students, marni and Elisha will pass their exam.Praying for them every day!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Father in law birthday
Yesterday, we celebrated my father in law's b'day at Hee Loi Ton restaurant situated at Puchong.We spent RM1500 over for the food just for 13 of us.We had a private room for ourselves and free flow of karaoke.Shaun's brothers could really sing non stop, singing song after song.The food we had are very big portions.After eating the four seasons,I was kinda full, the meat so big!The sharkfin soup is also bigger compared to normal wedding dinner. Basically, we all ate and were satisfied.The 5 brothers paid for the food.Outside the room was a wedding banquet.We could hear children shouting a rendition of Tong Hua (Fairy Tale).At first I wanted to bring my violin along to play "The Moon represents my heart" and "Happy Birthday" for my dad in law, but in the end I did not because I was shy.Oh ya, for lunch or Brunch, we had a sumptuous dim sum meal at Seong Kee, Taman Connaught.It was really nice! I would love to go there again for breakfast or lunch some other time.
We are supposed to go to FRIM today for jalan jalan.My bro in law's business partner want to bring us there today.But I sort of have other plans.Ok, gotta take my breakfast now.See how later...
Labels: birthday celebration.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
MIA for a long time
I have been mia from this blog for a long time since my wedding.Been busy updating my other blog.I am going for my long awaited honeymoon next tues.Hope everything turns out fine and I will have a blast there with my darling husband.So far, marriage life is good and God has been blessing us.My kenari car has many many problems since the day it is brought home.every week sure got problem coming up.Mind you, we spent almost RM4000 repairing it for the past 3 months only.Wat the heck!!!!!
My new year resolution:
1.Be a dedicated teacher
2.Improve my online business
3.Learn dancing if got time
4.take violin exam if possible
5.Take good care of my house
6.Always be calm and positive
7.Take good care of my looks eventhough I am married.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
prewedding emo-ness
I dun't know why I am so down.I was rather moody.No mood to go mood to do anything.I hate this feeling.Why would a bride to be getting so emo?Unless they dun't love their husbands to be.i love my husband, but I can't help feeling this way.I am so helpless.Will God please enlighten me?Have mercy on me or I will become very wretched.No mood to do anything, no mood to work tmr or wed.What is wrong with me?I also dun no.God, will you tell me what to do??????????????I hate this feeling....
Labels: emo
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
So, today 2 of my students are absent and I left earlier than usual.I feel like going to sing karaoke with ppl.I dun have kaki to sing k....
I called Joy Chen and asked her whether they are free to sing k next tues,Coz next tues is hari raya....She said she will ask James wong first.
I enjoy reading eevon's and Dorcas' blog.I stalk ppl's blogs.And not forgetting amy's blog too...
Labels: karaoke, work